Love is the most beautiful thing there is

God gave us an important task-spread the Good News: in all its forms, by all means, wherever He sends us (Madagascar, the whole world), because we ourselves have been witnesses of His Love, and we continue to live it today. The association then has as its first mission to proclaim the word of God.

Therefore, we give ourselves to our duty: building up new Christians, local churches and helping those who are in difficulties or persecuted, as well as Christian education.

Each member of Avotra Association is trained to be an evangelist, able to bear witness, to share his faith, to proclaim the Gospel of God’s grace, to lead worship, to transmit a message, but above all to live his faith daily.

Evangelism Mission:

Each year, the association organizes evangelization campaigns, always in collaboration with the local churches (synod, parish, etc.); throughout the country or outside the country (the islands of the Indian Ocean, in Africa, in Europe, etc.).


Distribution of Bibles and Christian literature:

Several thousand Bibles and New Testaments, in Malagasy, French, English, Chinese, as well as Christian literature are sold and distributed wherever the need arises.

We are not religious who want to blindly follow rituals, liturgy or traditions. We are simple people willing to share our faith and personal experiences of God’s greatness to his children through our activities. Although we work closely with the churches, our association is not a religious entity but a home for sharing personal and living faith in Jesus.