“The most important thing to remember is that everyone needs a full tank of attachment through human contact and emotional ties"

People in distress who arrive at the Center generally present health problems that are caused by high poverty and/or a precarious situation. Some even need full medical attention.

• At the Salema Center :

 The NGO AVOTRA has a health center approved by the State: BHC II ( Base Health Center Level 2 Base ). Its main objective is to provide health care health to children and families cared for at the Centre. Then at Staff and patients who are not affiliated with the Centre. To benefit of this care, they pay a symbolic sum for the consultation, the care and medications.

At Betania Center:

The NGO Avotra is equipped with a Dispensary for normal care. The beneficiaries are the residents of the NGO Avotra, all the staff of the Center, as well as the students of our LPCA school - located not away from the site.

Our BHC II has :

- At the staff level: 3 doctors, 2 dentists, 1 nurse, 2 assistants and 1 housekeeper... This number may vary depending on the circumstances. It is important to know that all medical staff are volunteers. - In terms of organization: 1 pharmacy central unit, 1 retail pharmacy, 1 reception service for patients, 1 medical office, 1 dental office, 1 care and treatment room.